Monday, August 2, 2010

Online tool: Bulk Player for YouTube

Many long videos are split into small pieces and uploaded to YouTube. After you watch one part of them, you need to click on the next one to continue. But I just want to seat back and enjoy the whole video without clicking on each part separately.

Bulk Player is a little online tool to let you input a bunch of URLs of the videos. When you click the Play All button, all the listed videos will be played one by one continuously. You can seat back and enjoy the whole batch without getting up.

To use the Bulk Player, you can

1. Search the videos you want. Right-click on the link of the video and select Copy Link Location from the popup menu.

2. Past the link to the input box of Bulk Player.

   Alternatively, if you have opened Bulk Player in a new window, you can drag and drop the link of the wanted video into the input box.

3. Repeat step 1 and 2 until you have pasted all the wanted videos into the input box. Remember, each link of the video should be in a separate line.

4. Click the Play All button and the videos will be play one by one without a stop.

There are several other buttons to give you some control of the playback:

Previous: Play the previous video.
Next: Skip to the next video.
Small: Set the screen to small size.
Medium: Set the screen to medium size.
Big: Set the screen to big size.

At the end of each YouTube video, you can see a Replay button. Just ignore it, Bulk Player will continue your next video after 1 ~ 2 seconds.

Go to and enjoy!

You can also install the Firefox extension Bulk Player Mate to search, select and input the videos to play.

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