Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Android 10: Enable the built-in screen recorder


Note: This may NOT be supported by all phones.


1. Turn on the Developer Options on the phone. (Google it to see how to...)

2. Connection the phone to the computer.

3. On the computer, install the "adb" application.

4. On the computer, open a terminal, run command "adb devices" to verify that the phone is connected correctly.

5. On the computer, run command "adb shell settings put global settings_screenrecord_long_press true" to enable the screen recorder on the phone.

6. On the phone, long press the power butter to bring up the menu: Power off/Restart/Screenshot

7. Long press the "Screenshot" item in the above menu. A "Start Recording" dialog is popped up.

8. Click on the "Start Recording" button to start.

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