Friday, March 4, 2011

Google Dictionary and Google Translate extension is blocked by Flashblock

One of the feature, the whole page translation feature of the Google Dictionary and Google Translate extension for Firefox does not work when the Flashblock extension is installed and enabled. After some investigation, I found out that some functions of the Google Translate service is not working if the Flashblock extension is in effect. Our Google Dictionary and Google Translate extension can do no help on this situation but  you can solve this problem by making your Flashblock extension not block the Google services.

Fortunately, the Flashblock extension allows the users to provide a white list of the web sites that it will not block. You can input to the list. That would work for the U.S. users. If you are outside of U.S., chances are that Google may localize its web site for you. For example, if you are in Canada, you should input You can add both to the white list just to be safe:

Thanks to Ch for reporting this problem.

Update: You would have to add to the white list as well (please read Ch's comments).


Unknown said...

Hi Zen

Thanks for addressing this issue. I tried white list option, its work with all sites but conflicting with your add-on not resolved

on "FlashBlock" website, in F&Q section they mentioned that

"FlashBlock blocks FoxTab (Firefox addon) all the time.

Adding the following string to the Flashblock whitelist:

will allow FoxTab to load without being blocked by Flashblock."

so I tried this for "Google Dictionary and Google Translate"


But nothing is working .. kindly guide me where am I doing some thing wrong ..

Regards ..


Zen said...

Hi Ch,

It is the Google services that FlashBlock blocks, not our extension. So you don't need to add "gd12/content/" or "" to the whitelist.

Adding should work for US users. If you are in another country, you should add the country specific google site. For example, if you are in UK, add too.

Unknown said...

Hi zen

I mail to FlashBlock team and Problem is solve now .. :)

Let me share it with you and all other users who may be face this problem ..

" Hi!

Please add the following to the Flashblock whitelist:

To edit the whitelist use the Flashblock options.

Try This with the latest Flashblock from:



and now every thing works perfectly normal



Zen said...

Hi Ch,

Thanks a lot.

Mushaf said...

Thanks a lot to Ch.

I added and my region specific google domain to Flashblock's whitelist but it didn't work. Then I followed the instruction Ch got from flashblock developer. I upgraded to the unstable/beta build of flashblock and added in the whitelist and now page translation works fine.

So I'm confirming this: if you're facing problem with the flashblock add-on follow the instruction Ch got from flashblock developer (upgrading to the beta build is important). Also I'd like to ask Zen to update the main article with the working solution.

Btw, Zen, its a great add-on! I was looking for such a thing that works like Google Dictionary for Chrome and luckily I've found yours (it even works better than the Chrome extension). Keep up the good work.

aris said... did it for me.

aris said...

Thanks ch!

Anonymous said...

Try google* at flashblock white lis,t it worked for me...

Kangarooo said...

what you need to whitelist in flashblock options to make wiktionary google translate plugin button to work.

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